Chika Madu Ile, Chinyere Genevive Odimmega, Okike Nwadiuko Azu


Online education has emerged as an effective and increasingly common alternative to face-to-face instruction in postsecondary education. This study focused on the application of asynchronous instructional strategies in teaching and learning of business education programmes in colleges of education in south-east Nigeria. Three research questions guided the study and three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. A descriptive survey design was adopted. The population consisted of 129 business educators. No sample was taken, as the number was sizeable for the researchers to handle.
A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts. The reliability of the instrument was ensured using test re-test technique. Data collected were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Co-efficient formula which yielded reliability co-efficient of
0.86. Data related to the research questions were analyzed using mean, while z-test was used to test the hypotheses. It was concluded that asynchronous instructional strategies in education provides a high degree of interactivity between participants who are separated both geographically and temporally and
afford students many of the social benefits of face-to-face interaction. It was recommended among others that business educators should play an important role in facilitating productive online discussions which can include managerial, social, pedagogical and technical.

Keywords: asynchronous, online learning, instructional strategies, teaching and learning, business education

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