Duktur S. Levong, Lohnan Barko, Dazan D. Zakka


This study ascertained the availability of facilities required of business education departments in the Colleges of Education in the North Central Nigeria. One research question was formulated to guide the study. Colleges of Education in Nigeria at large face the challenges of achieving entrepreneurship education in their various institutions. Although significant progress has been made by these colleges towards the attainment of these set goals/targets. Nigeria as a country has mandated the introduction of entrepreneurship education programme in all colleges of education in the nation. Business education departments in colleges of education are the pivot wheels which will propel entrepreneurship are not left
out of these goals/targets. Twenty one colleges of education were used for the study. The researchers with the check list visited the colleges of education to observe physically the facilities available in the institutions. Descriptive survey method was used. Simple percentages of statistics were also employed. The results showed that most of the institutions sampled did not have basic required facilities and equipment for teaching and learning entrepreneurship education in business education departments. The researchers considered the percentages of most of these facilities and equipment in the institutions as very inadequate for teaching and learning process. Researchers recommended that government at all levels should provide teaching/learning facilities for entrepreneurship education in Business Education departments in our Colleges of Education in the North Central Nigeria to address some impediments in our Colleges of education.

Keywords:  Assessments, Facilities, Requirements, Achieving and Entrepreneurship Education

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