David Asuquo Edet, Cletus Akpo Atah


This study examined enhancing job creation mentality among universities business education students for global relevance. It looked at business education curriculum and real world learning environment. Survey research design was adopted for the study. Two research questions and two research hypotheses guided the study. The study population was 525 Business Education students in 200, 300 and 400 levels of 2017/2018 academic session in two universities- University of Calabar (UNICAL) and Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH). Of this number, a sample of 177 was drawn using quota and simple random sampling techniques. A validated researcher-made four points rating scale questionnaire captioned Enhancing Job Creation Mentality among Universities Business Education Students for Global Relevance Questionnaire (EJCMAUBESGRQ) was used for data collection. Of the 177 copies administered, 142 representing 80% were found usable for analysis. After pilot-testing the instrument, a reliability index of .83 was achieved using Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient. Data collected was analyzed using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and simple linear regression statistical tools. All the hypotheses were tested at .05 level of significance. Findings revealed that the curriculum and real world learning environment significantly enhance job creation mentality among universities business education students for global relevance. It was therefore recommended among others that periodic evaluation of the curriculum should be carried out in relation to societal issues, problems and trends in a bid to ascertaining the consistency of the curriculum in tackling identified societal issues such as unemployment if graduates of the program are to be globally relevant.

Keywords: Unemployment, job creation mentality, business education curriculum, real world learning environment

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