M. O. Binuomote, B. A. Okoli


The study was carried out to identify the strategies for empowering business education students for selfemployment through entrepreneurship education in Oyo state. A total of 80 respondents comprising of 50 male and 30 female business education lecturers were studied. Three research questions and three
null hypotheses guided the study. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The instrument for data collection was a 30 item questionnaire which was validated by three experts from business education and measurement and evaluation departments of Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient was used to determine the reliability index of the instrument and it yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.75. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while the null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using t-test. It was found that many of the listed strategies were accepted by lecturers in Oyo State colleges of Education as strategies for empowering business education students through entrepreneurship education. The results of the null hypotheses revealed that there was no significant difference in the opinion of the lecturers of Colleges of
Education in Oyo State regarding the strategies needed for empowering students of business education for self employment through entrepreneurship education in Oyo state. It was recommended among others that the strategies identified should be used to teach entrepreneurship education. Facilities for teaching should also be provided by government for practical teaching and in-service training should be organized by authorities to improve the teaching of entrepreneurship education.

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