Ann Kaizer Nwanbi


Youth unemployment has been a recurrent issue in Nigeria and in most developing countries of the world. Entrepreneurship education is seen as a possible change agent for equipping unemployed youths to become self-reliant and to contribute to national security. This research study set out to examine the use of entrepreneurship education as a driver for combating youth unemployment and fostering Nigeria national security. Three research questions were raised to guide this study. The population for the study is made up of all youths in Edo and Delta States of Nigeria. The sample study was made up of 450 youths selected through random sampling on the basis of availability, from six towns in the two states. The instrument titled “Entrepreneurship Education for National Security and Youth Unemployment” (EENSYU) designed by the researcher was used for the study. The data obtained were analysed using the mean rating of the responses to the questionnaire items. The findings indicated that entrepreneurship education can be used to make unemployed youths employable; to equip youths to start and manage their own businesses; and to expand existing businesses to create new job opportunities. Based on the findings, it was recommended that entrepreneurship education should be utilized to equip the youth with relevant skills on how to start and manage their own businesses.

KEYWORDS: Entrepreneurship Education, Youth Unemployment, Youth restiveness, National Security.

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