J. Amesi


The study examined quality assurance in Business Education programmes and skill acquisition among Business Education students in tertiary institutions in Rivers State.Two research questions were posed to guide the study and two hypotheses was tested at 0.05 level of significance.The population of the study was 90 and the entire populations of 90 were studied by the researcher, as there was no sample and sampling techniques adopted.Data for this study were collected by means of questionnaire.A total of 80 lecturers who returned their instrument were studied.Test-retest method was used for the reliability test, which yielded reliability co-efficient of 0.82.Mean and standard
deviation were used to analyse the research questions while z-test was used to test the hypotheses.Findings revealed that the methods of ensuring quality on Business Education programme is of utmost importanceand the impact of quality Business Education programme on
skill acquisition by Business Education students raised by the researcher was also necessary as hypothesis one was rejected and hypothesis two proved that there was no significant differences in the responses of the respondents on impact of quality Business Education programmes.Based on the findings, recommendations made amongst which included thatskill courses in Business Education programmes should be taught with utmost priority as to maintain quality and enhance skill acquisition by the students and Association of Business Educators of Nigeria (ABEN) should ensure uniformity of quality and skills in Business Education programmes in the Federation.

Key Words:Quality Assurance, Business Education Programmes, Skill acquisition, Students,

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