O. Miller, D.C. Eluro


This study is conducted to access the impact of Information Communication Technology on communication network in small and medium enterprises in Delta State. Consequently, three (3)
research objectives, three (3) research questions and three (3) testable hypotheses were used in the study. The sample for the study comprised managers of registered Small and Medium scale industries with the State Ministry of Commerce. The questionnaire is the main instrument of data
collection for the study. Data collected is analyzed using mean, z-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Findings include that the utilisation of electronic mail (e-mail) by managers of SMEs is fairly adequate, the usage of voice is low while on-line discussion in communication network is barely applicable. It is recommended that the use of e-mail should be increased, while online discussion and video conferencing be applied to a higher degree as this helps to increase
customer reach, enhance sales and break new market grounds

Keywords: Information Communication Technology, Network, Small and Medium Enterprises, Managers.

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