Juliet Olise, Ewarawon Ulisan


The study is aimed at examining the need for practical approach towards information and communication courses in tertiary institutions as a means for producing global workers in business education. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Four research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Questionnaire was designed and administered on the sample size of 100
persons from degree programme of Business Education Department in College of Education, Warri. The data generated were analyzed using 4-point scale and Chi-Square. Findings revealed that the extent to which students are exposed to practical application of interactive and communication software in teaching-learning process is low. It also showed that the extent to which practical approach to ICT course could produce employable global workers from Business Education is high. Findings from the hypotheses revealed there is significance influence of the level of practical approach to ICT courses on the magnitude of global workers produced by business education. It also revealed that there is significance influence of the practical exposure of ICT courses on the
competency of Business Education graduates in the global labour market. It was recommended that students should be exposed to the practical aspect of ICT courses and access to ICT equipment. That school management and lecturers should be committed towards the provision and application of ICT equipment in ICT courses. Finally students’ competency in ICT courses should focus on connectivity, data manipulation, presentation and exchange.

Keywords: Information and communication technology, competency in ICT courses in business education and business education.

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