Juliana A. Agbonaye, Francis Egberi Akele


This study assessed business educators training needs in universities in South-south Nigeria for sustainable development. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population of the study comprised 101 business educators in public universities in the South-South Nigeria. There was no sampling since the population was manageable. The instrument for data collection was a 20- item questionnaire in two clusters. The instrument was validated by three experts in business education. It yielded reliability coefficient of 0.87 using Cronbach Alpha procedure. A total of 88 out of the 101copies of the questionnaire distributed were retrieved and found usable for data analysis. Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions and t-testto test the hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed that business educators ofpublic universities agreedthat all the identified items could enhance business education programme learning/learning outcome in universities in south-south Nigeria for sustainable development and there were no significant differences in the mean ratings of business educators on the variables under study. It was, therefore, recommended among others that the government, NGOs and stakeholders in the educational sector should sponsor business educators to workshops/conferences and that their attendance to such events will expose them to current issues pertaining to the effective teaching/learning processes in business education. Thus, it will make it possible for them to acquire up-to-date knowledge of the principles and practices of effective teaching/learning in the field of business education for sustainable development.

Keywords: Business educators, Adequate, Training, Needs, Training Needs, Sustainable Development

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