Samuel Ikelegbe


The paper examines business ethical practices in Nigeria and its imperative for sustainable national development. The paper posits that ethical practice is necessary in every business and that individuals should have a mind set of working towards a better future in order to achieve sustainable national development. It added that businesses in Nigeria should take initiative to work within the benchmark presented by international agencies such as roundtables of business leaders from Europe, Japan and United States of America, (CAUX), Center for Organizational and Professional Ethics (COPE) etc. to achieve sustainable national development. The paper discusses why unethical problems occur in businesses and levels of business ethics. It emphasized on the benefits of ethical programmes in business. It concludes that ethical business practices are desirable in every nation including Nigeria and that to achieve sustainable national development, developing the individual morally is necessary. The paper recommended a change in our value system, compliance by both international; and local businesses with labour and environmental norms enacted at international level and that government should be committed in enforcing anti graft laws in Nigeria.

Keywords:Business, ethics, business ethics, sustainable development. 

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