E. G. Adewole, I. O. Adegboye


This study examined the competencies required of accounting education graduates in Oyo state colleges of education for relevance in the e-world. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Descriptive research design was adopted for the study. The population for the study comprised 35 lecturers and 373 students of business education in Oyo State colleges of education. Simple random sampling was used to select 75 students from the colleges of education under study while the total population of lecturers from the colleges were used. The instrument for data collection was a 28-items questionnaire. The instrument was validated by two experts in business education and achieved a reliability coefficient of 0.84 based on Cronbach Alpha procedure. A total number of 110 questionnaires were administered on the respondents with 100% rate of return. Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation for the research questions, while t-test was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Findings from this study revealed that both basic and global accounting competencies are highly required of accounting graduates of Oyo State Colleges of Education for relevance in the E-world. It was therefore recommended that the existing curriculum of accounting education should be reviewed to reflect global competencies identified in this study and lecturers teaching accounting courses should be encouraged to go on refresher courses that will enable them to acquire sufficient skills in e-accounting and global competencies.

Keywords: Competencies, Accounting Education Graduates, E-Accounting, E-world

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