Tuke Edeh, Esther Olaitan Olupayimo


This paper investigated principals' perception of pre-service business studies teachers' preparation and teaching effectiveness in teaching practice in Ondo and Osun States, Nigeria. Four research questions guided the study. One hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study consisted of one thousand five hundred seventy six (1576) principals in public and private secondary schools' in Ondo and Osun States, Nigeria. One hundred and forty (140) secondary school principals selected through simple random sampling technique were the respondents for the study. Questionnaire was the instrument for data collection. Mean and standard deviation were used for the analysis of the research questions and t-test was used to test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The findings showed that pre-service business studies teachers were effective in lesson notes preparation, lesson presentation, class management and time management. This implies that there was adequate pre-service business studies teachers' preparation for the teaching profession. It was recommended among others that Principals and school administrators should encourage time management idea in the school and supervise pre-service business studies teachers' instructional preparation and delivery closely during teaching practice.


Keywords: Principal, Pre-service teachers, Business studies, Teaching practice, Effectiveness.

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