Christiana Etong Enang, Agnes Lawrence Okute


The study was based on leveraging new technologies for skill acquisition in business education in tertiary institutions in Nigeria for the electronic world (e-world). Specifically, the study examined how business education in tertiary institutions could leverage on new technologies to facilitate personalized learning, foster technology-enabled collaborative learning, reduce time and space barriers and apply evolving technologies in the teaching of business education. The study brought to light a personalised learning technology known as the flipped classroom that could be used by business educators for skills acquisition in tertiary instructions in the e-world. It also explained how technology-enabled collaboration could foster a wide array of skills needed for the e-world through business education. Furthermore, the study revealed that new technologies can contribute to reduced time and space barriers of some structuring characteristics of business education in tertiary institutions through students' proximity with one another and their teachers as well as the materials used. Also the study showed some evolving technologies in the teaching profession that could enable business educators to share access to learning materials, learn about good practices in teaching and learning, have the videos of their classes observed and commented by colleagues as well as exchange ideas on online forums. The study concluded that business education in tertiary institutions has the potentials of producing the skills and knowledge that are needed in the e-world through the use of new technologies. It was recommended among others that new technologies should be used to improve the access and the quality of business education in the e-world through online courses and new learning tools such as the flipped classroom.


Key words: New technologies, skills acquisition, business education, e-world.



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