Nneka Charity Emeasoba, Chinwe Nwatarali


The study sought to assess the problem solving and self management skills required of business education students for job performance in colleges of education in South East, Nigeria. It adopts the descriptive survey design. Tworesearch questions and two hypotheses tested at .05 level of significance were used. Population consisted of147Business Educators in public colleges of education in South East, Nigeria. A validated questionnaire with reliability coefficients of 0.78 was used for data collection. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyze research questions while t-test statistics was used to test the hypotheses. Based on the data analysis, it was found that the itemized problem solving skills and self management skills were required by business education students for job performance in an organisation. The findings of the study showed that there is no significant difference between the mean ratings of male and female business education lecturers on the identified problem solving skills and self management skills required of business education students for job performance in an organisation. Recommendations were made among which include; business education lecturers should expose business education students to activities that will enable them develop these skills so as to perform well in any organisation they found themselves and also retain their jobs in this competitive society, curriculum planners should integrate the problem solving skills and self management skillsin business education curriculum at colleges of education level so that students will learn these skills for job performance in any organisation they found themselves after graduation.

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