Samuel Otunuya Odili


This paper focuses on e-learning as a tool for distance learning in business education. The paper considered the comparative analysis of the traditional and e-learning approaches of teaching and learning, concept of e-learning, principles of e-learning programmes, benefits of e-learning as a tool for teaching
and learning business education courses, example of institutions that have adopted e-learning strategies, institution-wide use of e-learning and types of provision, groups of learners targeted with e-learning, the need for e-learning in teaching and learning of business education, e-learning as a tool for distance
learning in business education. The paper recommended that; (i) E-learning approach should be used in the teaching and learning of business education courses in the Tertiary Institutions, (ii) E-learning culture should be built into the teaching – learning process of business education, (iii) Government should provide e-learning infrastructure needed in the department of business education.

Keywords: E-learning, Tool, Distance learning, Business education

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