Tega Phoebe Agbamu, F.C. Akpotohwo, Donald Aijene Onoyovwi


This Paper focused on harnessing the flipped classroom model to enhance active learning in business education for generation Z. Theflipped classroom model, a teaching approach that delivers lecture content to students at home through recorded videos and uses class time for practical application activities may be useful for business education. Hence, the paper discussed the nature andobjectives of business education, the generation Z's lack of interest in learning, the characteristics of generation Z's or digital natives, active learning, the flipped classroom model, illustrated with examples in several fields of study that have applied the flipped classroom model including vocational and technical education. Pedagogical benefits of the model in active learning along with potential challenges were presented in tables. Since students' response to the flipped classroom model was largely positive, the authors concluded that harnessing this model to teaching business education students will be the most consequential idea to changing pedagogy that has appeared in recent times. It was recommended amongst others that business educators should experiment this model in teaching courses that depend on students understanding the underlying principles and theoretical concepts before making practical application.

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