Chinwe S. Okeke


This research study investigated the 21st Century Skill Requirements by Business Education Students for Successful Business Entrepreneurship in Anambra State. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design; hence three research questions guided the study. The population was eighty-two (82) Business Education lecturers in the two colleges of education NOCEN and FCET, Umunze precisely. A sample of 36 respondents was used for the study. A- 30 items structured questionnaire was used to gather necessary information. The instrument was validated using face and content validity and a reliability figure of 0.75 was realized. Data analysis was done using mean and standard deviation. Findings showed that there are various innovative, digital and critical thinking skills required by Business Education students for successful entrepreneurship businesses. Based on the findings, recommendations were made some of which included that regular workshops and seminars should be organized for lecturers to upgrade their skills and knowledge for better transference on the students. Also, there is need to conduct up skilling exercise in a classroom setting for the students from time to time to develop their critical thinking and the school management should make the learning environment very enabling by providing necessary facilities, equipments and materials for effective teaching.

Keywords:  21st century, Skills, Successful, Business Education and Business entrepreneurship.


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