Patricia Akwaya Olom, Lawrence Agnes Okute


The study investigated the effect of mentoring approach on skills acquisition among business education students in tertiary institutions in Cross River State. Quasi-experimental research design was used in the study. The population of the study consisted of 534 third year Business Education students drawn from two colleges of education and two universities in Cross River State. The sample size of the study comprised 200 students in two colleges of education and two universities offering business education programme. The respondents were assigned into two groups made up of a college of education and a university in each. One of the groups was assigned treatment group and it comprised 100 male and female students. The order group (control group) also comprised 100 male and female students. The Ability Test in business education was used as the instrument for data collection. The instrument was tested for reliability using Cronbach Alpha and it produced an alpha of 0.79. The experiment followed a pre-test and post-test procedures. At the beginning, a pre-test was administered to all the respondents in both groups. After four weeks of mentoring of the experimental group and conventional teaching of the control group on the same topics in business education, a post-test was later administered.  The scores obtained from the two administrations were used for data analysis. The research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation while, ANCOVO was used to test the hypotheses. The results suggested that mentoring is a more effective approach to skill acquisition in business education than the conventional teaching approach, and there is no significant difference in the mean skills acquisition score of male and female Business Education students in tertiary institutions in Cross River State. It was recommended that mentoring should be fully embrace in business education as an approach of teaching and learning.


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