Elizabeth Omone Ojo, Abiose Ekpe Akhademe


This paper discusses the new technologies in teaching and learning in Office Technology and Management (OTM). The paper shows that there is technological advancement taking place globally and this has made the operations in the office to be carried out with modern office technologies.
Therefore, teaching and learning in OTM should be directed towards acquiring the necessary skills by OTM students for performing their duties in an e-office. In addition, the paper discusses the necessary skills required for an e-office, and also the new technologies needed for the teaching and learning of OTM concepts and principles. conclusion were drawn for the subject matter, and it was recommended amongst others that new technologies like video-conferencing, overhead projector slides, digital versatile disc and internet facilities should be provided and utilized during the teaching and learning of OTM courses. Furthermore, there should be training and re-training programmes for OTM
lecturers in particular in order to ensure the effective delivery of OTM programme in Nigeria.

Keywords: New technologies, OTM, e-office, education, teaching, learning, ICT

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