Angela Chekwube Ekoh


In recent time, the global world has observed that the traditional pedagogy of business education
courses can no longer meet the trends of events in the education sector especially in the instructional
delivery of business educators in academic institutions. Emphatically, the applied pedagogical
approaches are insufficient for preparing the students pursuing higher education in business
education globally as well as the type of teachers, leaders, and entrepreneurs that we need for the
future. The time is right to identify innovative teaching and learning solutions emerging around the
world whether globally relevant or adopted to local needs. The business educators must be ready to
embrace the pedagogical approach since education today focuses on creativity and innovation. It is
no longer the usual traditional pedagogy. This means that the business educators task is not only to
impart information but also to plan and design learning activities, coherent with the expected results
and the resources in order to inspire and encourage the students, transforming the learning process
into an active, dynamic, participatory, motivating and enriching experience. This paper identified the
traditional and innovative pedagogy in use for business education and challenges in the application of
innovative pedagogy by business educators. Conclusion was drawn and recommendations proffered
among others that: business educators should develop interest in embracing the innovative pedagogy.
Keywords: Traditional, Innovative Pedagogy in Business Education, Business Educators

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