C.M. Ile, James Edomwonyi EEdokpolor



The study examined the nexus between job resources and task performance of business educators in public universities in Nigeria. A correlational survey research design was adopted and data were collected from a randomly selected sample of 142 business educators (12 HODs and 130 lecturers) in universities in South-South, Nigeria. Research questions were answered while hypotheses tested. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts, two in business education and one in measurement and evaluation. The data where analyzed using Pearson correlation matrix and linear regression. Pearson correlation matrix was used to answer the research questions and simple linear regression was used to test the hypotheses. The results showed positive correlation between overall job resources and task performance of business educators. Specifically, the results showed a significant but low correlation between colleagues/HOD support, performance feedback and task performance as well as a significant but moderate correlation between job autonomy and task performance of business educators. This means that as job resources increase, there is a tendency for business educators to perform better on the job.

Keywords: business educators, colleagues/HOD support, job autonomy, job resources, performance feedback, task performance.


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