Bridget Agwazie, Pac Ordu




This paper focused on the Utilization of Emerging Digital Resources in Teaching Business Education Students for Employability Competency Skills Acquisition in South-South, Nigeria. The paper examined the utilizable emerging digital resources, their adequacies and challenges militating against the Utilization of Emerging Digital Resources in Teaching Business Education Students for Employability Competency Skills Acquisition in South-South, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The study was conducted in universities in the south-south region of Nigeria. The population of the study constitutes 300 business educators in six federal universities in the six south-south states. A self-structured instrument titled “Emerging digital resources and employability in business education programme questionnaire (EDREBEPQ)” was used for data collection. Cronbach’s alpha was used to measure the internal consistency which yielded an overall reliability co-efficient of 0.80. Data were collected by administration of validated questionnaire on the respondents. Mean and Standard deviation were used to answer research questions. The findings showed that word processors, spreadsheet and data analysis tools, and teleconferencing as the most utilizable emerging digital resource in teach business education for employability skill competence skill. It showed that challenges such as maintenance, resistance to change, lack of fund, lack of exposure, power failure, and lack of adequate trained personnel as factors that militate against the utilization of emerging digital resources in teaching business education for employability skill competence skill acquisition in the tertiary institutions. It concluded that the uses of digital resources in business management help in the acquisition of employability competency skill for business expansion and economic growth. Unfortunately, the adoption of digital resources in teaching in Nigerian universities has remained a mirage due to its slow pace of acceptance and use. The study recommended that Preparation of lecturers to face the challenges of an ICT enriched teaching and learning environment is crucial.

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