Christiana Etong Enang



Business education is a programme of study that prepares students to acquire practical skills, attitudes, understanding and knowledge relating to occupations in various sectors of the economy and social life. In the face of COVID 19 pandemic, a lot of transformation has taken place in the delivery of general education programmes including business education, which is a new normal in teaching and learning.  This study was carried out to ascertain emerging technologies in teaching and learning of business education in the new normal in tertiary institution in Nigeria.  Specifically, the paper examined Ubiquitous Computing (UC); Collaboration Technologies (CT); Extended Reality (ER), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and BlockChain (BC).  All the literatures reviewed proved that emerging technologies used in teaching and learning has more advantages compared to other means of learning, including flexibility, mobility, convenience, low cost, and user friendliness.  The paper concluded that there is need to integrate emerging technologies in the curriculum of business education programmes. It was recommended among others that business educators and students need to develop new range of digital competence such as information processing, computational thinking and digital learning to cope with the emerging technologies in teaching and learning.  Above all, there is need for professional development of business educators in the emerging technologies used in teaching in the new normal.


Keywords: Emerging technologies, business education, new normal

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