K. O. Bolarinwa, C. C. Okolocha


This work focused on the influence of classroom interaction and students attitude on academic achievement in Financial Accounting. The main objective is to explore the classroom interaction and students’ attitude affecting student academic achievement in Financial Accounting. Four research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. Questionnaire and achievement test were
administered on 213 respondents. Mean, t-test and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Techniques were used to analyze data collected at 0.5% level of significance using statistical package for social scientists. The study revealed that classroom interaction and students’ attitude have a great influence
on students’ academic achievement in financial accounting. It was recommended that financial accounting teachers should make financial accounting classes fascinating to the students and promote cordial relationship among them. The parents, the school and the teachers should train and motivate the students to develop and cultivate good study habit and maintain the right attitude in their study.

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