Christiana Etong Nang


The purpose of this study was to explore ways ofwidening access to business education programme in
Nigerian universities through distance learning. Specifically, the study presented some documentary
evidence of access to university education from 2011 – 2013. The study also revealed access to
business education programme by 2015 JAMB distribution with university of Nigeria having 189
candidates, University of Benin 104, university of Calabar 189, university of Ilorin 290, university of
Lagos 305, University of Maiduguri 179, university of Uyo 89, Nnamdi Azikiwe University 217 and
Ahmadu Bello University 173. The distribution confirmed the fact that the universities could not admit
more than their carrying capacity in business education programme which was very discouraging.
Therefore, the panacea to the problem is to widen access to business education programme in the
universities through distance learning. The study further highlighted the relevance of distance
learning education which includes access, social enhancement, and economic growth. It presented the
strategies for widening access to business education programme in universities through distance
learning synchronously and asynchronously. The study concluded that distance learning provides
educational opportunities needed by anyone, anywhere and anytime and could be used for widening
access to business education programme in universities in Nigeria. It was recommended among others
that National Universities Commission (NUC), government, and other stakeholders should support the
implementation of distance learning education in all universities as a means to widen accesses to
university education in Nigeria.
KeyWords: Access to University Education, Business Education Programme, Distance Learning

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