Abdulkadir Umar Zango, Auwal Said Mahmoud, PhD


This study investigates the technology mediated instructions and future academic achievement of NCE business and entrepreneurship education students. Three research objectives, research questions and null hypotheses were raised, asked and tested in order to guide the study. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The population of the study was three hundred and thirty-two (322); male and female offered NCE business and entrepreneurship education students in business education department 2022/2023 academic session and same number serves as the sample size of this study. The instrument used for data collection is the Available, Levels of Utilisation and Significance of Technology Mediated Instructions and Future Academic Achievement of NCE Business and Entrepreneurship Students’ Questionnaire which was designed by the researchers. The instrument was run into face and content validity by three experts in the field of business education. The reliability of the instrument was established using pilot-test and calculation of data using Cronbach method yielded correlation coefficient of 0.937. Regression analysis was used to analyse the data at 0.05 level of significance. It was conclude that technology mediated instructions impacted on the future academic achievement of NCE business and entrepreneurship education students in Sa’adatu Rimi University of Education, Kano State. The findings of this study revealed that this implies that availability of technology tools had significant impact on the future academic achievement of business and entrepreneurship education students in Sa’adatu Rimi University of Education, Kano State. This implies that lecturers’ utilization of technology tools had significant influence on the future academic achievement of business and entrepreneurship education students in Sa’adatu Rimi University of Education, Kano State. Based on the findings, the study was recommended among others that the Kano State government should ensure that adequate funds are budgeted for the provision of technology tools to improve the business and entrepreneurship students’ academic achievement in Sa’adatu Rimi University of Education Kumbotso Kano State.    


Keywords: Academic Achievement, Business Education, Entrepreneurship Education, and Technology.


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