This study examined the need for University-Banking Industry Collaboration for Business Education Curriculum Innovation in Maiduguri, Borno State. One research question guided the study. One hypothesis was formulated and tested. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The study area was Borno State, one of the states in Nigeria’s North-East geo-political region. The population for the study was 20 (14 bank managers of commercial banks and 6 business education lecturers in university of Maiduguri, Borno State). There was no sampling; all bank managers of commercial banks and all lecturers of Business Education in University of Maiduguri were involved in the study. The study was census study. A four-point scale structured questionnaire validated by two research experts from Department of Technology Education Madibo Adama University, Yola was used to elicit responses from the respondents. The reliability coefficient of .83 was obtained for the instrument using Cronbach Alpha after a pilot test at Damaturu, Yobe State. Mean was used to answer the research question while the standard deviation was used to determine the closeness of or otherwise of the responses from the mean. Independent sample t-test was used to test the null hypothesis at .05 level of significance. Based on data analysis, the study revealed that University-Banking Industry collaboration in Business Education curriculum innovation is needed to prepare graduates for jobs of the moment and leverage emerging technologies in business world. The study concluded that UICs is an important mechanism for generating open innovation in curriculum development in business education. The study recommended for UICs for curriculum innovation, Business Education curriculum content should be redefined and enriched in line with work environment, global trends in labour market and employability skills for jobs of the moment
Keywords: Skill, University-industry collaboration, curriculum innovation, graduates of business education, work environment.
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