The curriculum of every educational programme is designed to accomplish certain educational goal(s). The extent to which these goal(s) are achieved depends largely on the objectives, contents and learning experiences therein selected. However, it is crucial to note that no curriculum can remain perpetually ideal owing to the fact that the society is constantly evolving, and its needs keep changing. Thus, the goal(s) of a programme of study may remain suitable over a period of time but the objectives, contents and learning experiences would continue to be reviewed and modified to achieve the set goal(s) of that programme. This paper looks at the goal(s) of secondary education, the goals of business studies programme in Nigerian, its purpose, mandate, its learning objectives. More so, the paper appraised the business studies contents and learning experiences viz-z-viz the requirements of today’s workplace and it went further to point out areas of strength and inadequacies based on the NABTEB syllabus.
Keywords: Business Studies, Curriculum, Appraisal
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