Dr. M.N.G. Akeke, Dr. C.A. Atah, Dr. P.U. Ushie, M.O. Ingwe




This study assessed the utilization of online tools and business education lecturers’ job productivity in Cross River State. The research design for the study was survey-based. The study was premised on two research questions and two hypotheses to achieve its objective. The population of the study was 140 lecturers in all the tertiary institutions in Cross River State, Nigeria. Due to the manageable size of the population, all one hundred and forty business education lecturers participated in the study. Data were gathered using an 18-item survey titled "Utilization of Online Tools and Business Education Lecturer Job Productivity Questionnaire" (UOTBELJPQ). The University of Calabar's department of vocational education's two experts examined the instrument. Eleven lecturers at Ebonyi State University participated in a trial test, and the aggregate Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient was 0.89. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the data analysis show that the use of smartphones and cloud computing influences the productivity of business education lecturers. The survey also discovered that there is no statistically significant difference in the average responses of business educators in both public and private institutions on the effect of cloud computing on lecturers' job productivity in tertiary institutions in Cross River State. Based on the study, it was recommended that the management of tertiary institutions provide electronic tools to improve the online content delivered by business education lecturers to enhance their job productivity.


Key words: Utilization, online, tools, lecturers’ job and productivity

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