Ethel N. Igwe, Wilfred S. Asizaibi


This study investigated the influence of non-oil sector collaboration for economic diversification towards sustainable development. Two research questions were posed to guide the study and one hypothesis was tested. The entire population of 30 directors in the selected ministries was studied by the researchers and no sample was drawn. Data for this study were collected by means of a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire adopted a rating scale and 29 directors in the selected ministries who returned their instrument were studied. Test-re-test method was used for the reliability test, which yielded reliability co-efficient of 0.78. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while chi-square (x2) was used to test the hypothesis. Findings revealed that there were benefits when non-oil sectors collaborate in diversifying the economy for sustainable development. Based on the findings, discussions were made, and conclusions drawn. Recommendations were made amongst others that: government should review and improve
incentives to support the growth of the non-oil sectors and consider the introduction of a special stimulus package to encourage investments in the non-oil sectors of the economy.

Keywords: Non-Oil Sectors, Collaboration, Economic Diversification, Stability, Sustainable Development, Rivers State.

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