Angela Chekwube Ekoh-Nweke, Nneka Anthonia Offia


This paper empirically investigated the challenges of NCE Business Education Teacher preparation in the e-world in South East Nigeria. Two research questions were raised and two null hypotheses were formulated for the study. The researchers adopted a survey research design for the study. The population for the study comprised of 145 business educators in colleges of education in South East Nigeria. There was no sample as the population size was considered manageable for the study. Data for the study was gathered using a structured questionnaire captioned “Challenges of Business Education Teacher Preparation in the E-World Questionnaire (CBETPE-WD). Mean and standard deviation were used for data analysis while the hypotheses were tested using z test at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed among others that there were lacks of access to resources, insufficient ICT resources, problem of lack of connectivity, lack of collaboration with expert, unconducive learning environment as students' related challenges. On the other hand resistance to change, lack of time, work overload, inadequate teaching facilities among others as teacher-related challenges. Among others it was recommended that facilities and equipment necessary for e-world teaching and learning should be made available in the colleges of education to enhance effective teacher preparation and as well providing adequate incentives to both students and lecturers.


Key words: Challenges, e-world, teacher preparation

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