Kingsley Ogazi Igwe, Chinasa Miracle Chukwu


This study examined the perceived effect of technostress on job performance of secretaries in business organizations in Abakaliki Capital Territory, Ebonyi State. Three research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. The population of the study was 47 secretaries in business organizations in Abakaliki Capital Territory, Ebonyi State. There was no sampling since the population was manageable. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire. Mean and standard deviation techniques were used to analyze the data collected while t-test was used to test the hypotheses. Results from the data analyzed showed that the techno-overload, techno-invasion, techno-complexity, techno-insecurity and techno-uncertainty were technostressors experience by secretaries in business organizations. The study also revealed that the effect of technostress include low productivity, job dissatisfaction, lack of commitment, cardiac arrest, migraine headaches, hypertension, persistent negative thinking, momentary confusion, inability to concentrate, mental fatigue depression, anxiety, irritability and impatience. There is no significant difference in the mean responses of male and female secretaries regarding the effect of techno-stress on the job performance of secretaries in business organizations. Based on the findings, the study recommended among others that: secretaries should continually engage in information and communication technology (ICT) training in a proactive manner to be abreast with the current trend globally, as to reduce unnecessary anxiety associated with techno-stress; managements should introduce tools that are user-friendly as this will make work easier and more interesting; secretaries should be made to adapt freely to their environment to enhance efficiency and effectiveness and in-turn will lead to productivity.


Keywords: Technostress, Job performance, Secretaries, Business organizations.

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