Ifeoma Unyime Ukoette, P.J Etim, Edet Asuquo Effiong


The study examined the difference between Teaching Effectiveness and Electronic Learning on Educational Innovation of a Nigerian University Education. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Four research question and hypothesis were raised to guide the study. The population of the study comprises all the 1356 students in Faculty of Education in 2016/2017 academic session. Source: University of Uyo, Senate Business Committee (SBC). The sample size of the study was 300 students, this represent 47% of the lecturers. The proportional sample technique was adopted to select the respondents. The researcher developed instrument titled “Electronic Learning and Academic Performance Questionaire” (ELAPQ) which containing 16 items developed on four-scale point of SA Strongly Agree for 4 points, A Agree for 3 points, D Disagree for 2 points and Strongly Disagree for 1 point respectively. The instrument was face-validated by the 2 experts, one from each of the Departments of Educational Management and Planning, Vocational Education and as well as Educational Foundations, all in University of Uyo. The reliability of the instrument was carried out using Cronbach Alpha reliability statistic for internal consistency which produced a reliability coefficient of 0.94 which justifying its use for the study. The instrument was administered personally to the respondents to fill and return immediately within an interval of two weeks and all copies were retrieved. The data collected were analysed using mean to answer the research questions and t- test statistical tools in testing the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significant. It was concluded that since students depend on educational innovation of lecturers with electronic learning devices to perform well in academic and life challenges, lecturers should acquaint themselves with e-learning skills through regular seminars and workshop. It is recommended among others that Educators should make learning more time and cost efficient so as to catch the interest of the learner for further innovations.


Keywords: Teaching, Effectiveness, Electronic Learning, Innovation.

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