Joy N. Utebor, Beatrice C. Enwemasor, Pauline Ononiwu


The study determined business teachers' ratings of self-assessment principles of quality management applied by principals for secondary school improvement in Delta State. One research question guided the study and one hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study was a descriptive survey. The population of the study comprised 320 business teachers teaching in government owned secondary schools in Delta State. Through stratified sampling technique 50% of the population was sampled. This made up a sample of 160 business teachers that was used for the study. A validated structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The reliability of the instrument was tested Cronbach Alpha reliability method which yielded a score of 0.88 for internal consistency and was deemed high for the study. The data collected from the respondents were analyzed using descriptive mean, standard deviation and t-test. The mean value was used to answer the research question while the standard deviation was used to ascertain the homogeneity or otherwise of the respondents' ratings. The null hypothesis was tested with t-test at 0.05 level of significance. Findings revealed that business teachers' opined that that public secondary school principals in Delta State apply school self assessment principle to a low extent. It was also revealed that male and female business teachers did not differ on their opinion on the extent principals apply self assessment principles for school improvement in Delta State. Based on these findings, the following recommendations were made among others, that government should also provide funding for secondary school principals so as to enable them organize seminars, workshops and interactive session to expose teachers on the importance of school self assessment.

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