Rosemary Kioba Wolugbom, Ben-George Ibitoroko, Rose Yeyeda Nwosu


This study investigated the extent to which public secondary school administrators utilize behavioural modification strategies in enhancing organisational performance. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population of the study consisted of all 81 school administrators of public secondary schools in Port Harcourt Local Government. A total of 67 respondents comprising 27 and 40 school administrators of public senior and junior secondary school respectively were used for the study based on the number of instrument retrieved. Data collection instrument was a 30 item questionnaire, in 4 clusters drafted using a 4 point scale titled “Behaviour Modification Technique and Organizational Performance Questionnaire (BMTOPQ). A reliability coefficient of 0.79 was obtained using test-retest method. Validity was conducted by two experts from the departments of business education. Data was analyzed using mean for the research questions and z-test for the hypothesis. Findings from the study identified areas for the application of behavioural modification strategies in public secondary schools, also, that positive reinforcement strategies are utilized to a high extent for the enhancement of organizational performance while the extent to which punishment is generally used is low. Based on the findings it was concluded that behaviour modification practice is an important factor that can improve employee as well as organizational performance. Thus it was recommended among othersthat school administrators should try to adopt positive reinforcement which will enhance quality of work and increased in employee satisfaction and performance.

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