Chinyere Ebeogu, Elizabeth Omone Ojo


The study mirrors the relevance of work based learning in skill acquisition in business education programme. Descriptive survey design was adopted to get the opinions of the students from colleges of education in Lagos state. Data collected were analyzed using simple percentage, mean and standard deviation. The findings of the study showed that SIWES as an aspect of work based learning has enhanced skill acquisition in business education programme. Secondly, as an aspect of work based learning entrepreneurship education has enhanced skill acquisition in business education programme and finally information and communication technology as an aspect of work based learning has also enhanced skill acquisition in business education. Based on the conclusion that work based learning enhances skill acquisition in business education, it was recommended that government, policy makers and other stakeholders should endeavor to strengthen and improve the different types of work based learning in order to ensure that students and respective institutions derive full and maximum benefits from the programme.

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