F.U. Amahi, Bishop C. Odigili


This study evaluated instructional facilities in the teaching and learning of business education in colleges of education in Delta State. The researchers adopted the survey design method. Two research questions guided the study and one hypothesis formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance was used. Population and sample consisted of 65 business education lecturers. A validated questionnaire by some expert in Business education with coefficient of 0.72 was used for data collection. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while the z-test was used for data analysis. Findings showed that instructional facilities needed for effective teaching and learning of business education courses are mostly not available; the few available ones are grossly inadequate in most colleges. Also gender has no significant effect in the respondents mean ratings on the adequacy of instructional facilities in teaching and learning of business education courses. The study concluded that business education students will acquire more theoretical knowledge than the practical skills required of them since the instructional facilities that will be used for hands-on experience are not available. Based on the findings and conclusion, it was recommended, among others, that the government and management of the institutions should provide instructional facilities to colleges of education and avoid window dressing of instructional facilities only during accreditation.

KEYWORDS: Infrastructural facilities, window dressing, practical skills, adequacy and utilisation


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