Edet E. Okon, Isaac Kolo



The study determined the relationship between advertisement and patronage of consumer goods among business education undergraduates in tertiary institutions.  The study achieved two objectives: The relationship between digital advertising; print advertising; and patronage of consumer goods among business education undergraduates. The two specific objectives led to the two research questions that were answered and two null hypotheses tested. The correlation research design was adopted in the study carried out in Cross River State of Nigeria using a population of 661 and a sample size is 330 respondents 50% of the population) using multi-stage sampling technique. Questionnaire tagged, Digital – Print Advertising and patronage of consumer goods (D-PAPCGBEUQ) generated data for the study. The questionnaire was validated by three experts, two business educators and a measurement and evaluation expert. The reliability analysis of the instrument was achieved using Cronbach Alpha Reliability Analysis after administering a 10-item researcher-made questionnaire entitled, Digital – Print Advertising and patronage of consumer goods (D-PAPCGBEUQ) to respondents who were not part of the main study.  The reliability test yielded a co-efficient of .81 which was deemed high enough to reliably assess the respondents. The questionnaire was thereafter administered to all 330 respondents. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation analysis was used to analyse data, where the two null hypotheses were tested at .05 levels of significance. Results indicated that positive relationships exist between digital advertising and print advertising and patronage of consumer goods among business education undergraduates in tertiary institutions in Cross River State. It was concluded that digital and print advertising are important advertising strategies that can raise patronage of consumer goods. Based on the conclusions drawn, it was recommended among others that business organisations should combine both digital and print advertising strategies.


Keywords: Digital; Print; Advertising; Patronage; Consumer; Goods; Undergraduates


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