Lazarus N. Nwagwu, Justina I. Ofulue, Acharu R. Tony-Okeme



This study examined ways of improving business educators’ usage of synchronous interactive resources for teaching and learning of business education programmes in tertiary institutions in Ebonyi State in Post COVID-19 era. Two purposes of the study with their corresponding research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. The study adopted descriptive survey design. The population consisted of 47 business educators in all the tertiary institutions in Ebonyi State. There was no sampling since the population was manageable and were all used for the study. A structured questionnaire validated by three experts was used as instrument for data collection. The reliability of the instrument was ensured by using statistical package for social sciences and it yielded a reliability index of 0.78. Responses to the questionnaire items were analyzed using mean and standard deviation while the null hypothesis was tested using t-test statistical tool at 0.05 level of significance. Findings of the study revealed that business educators agreed that digital camera, smart phones, laptop computers, electronic bulletin boards among others are resources required for effective utilization of synchronous interactive instruction. The study also revealed that business educators getting trained on how to make online video conferencing and encouraging students to always send their questions through video are some of the ways business educators can improve their usage of synchronous interactive resources in teaching and learning of business education programmes in tertiary institutions in Ebonyi state in Post COVID-19 era. The study recommended among others that Managers of business education should organize training and retraining of business educators on the usage of synchronous interactive resources.

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