Silas Titus Nguwap, Titus A. Umoru



The study assessed the influence of Work-Based Learning (WBL) on Students’ employment prospects. The paper sought answers to the research question raised. A mixed-method research design was used for the study. A sample of 81HND I OTM students was used for the study. Work-Based Learning on Students' Employment Prospects Questionnaire (WBLSEPQ) was used to collect data from the respondents. A total of 81 copies were administered and 76 copies were retrieved and used for the study. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyse the data collected to answer the research question. Independent samples t-test statistic was used to test the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that work-based learning is perceived to have a positive effect on students’ employment prospects because it provides students with an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in real work situations. The study recommended among others that there should be collaboration between the school and industries for curriculum creation and implementation and students should be trained on how to properly use tools and equipment. Such an experience will go a long way in improving their confidence and overall readiness to take up a job in future.


Keywords:Work-based Learning, Students, Employment prospects

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