Agnes Okute, Christiana Etong Enang, Moses George Etoma


The digital era calls for continuous acquisition of new skills and updating ofexisting skills in order to align with global trend. This is because newtechnologies are emerging at an exponential rate, with attendant need forconstant change in work environment. This underscores the need for this paperwhich is a framework for digital skills acquisition for global competitiveness bybusiness education students in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. The Paperproposed a framework for digital skills acquisition in three dimensions, namely:Use of digital systems and tools, use of software application and application ofsecurity measures in a digital environment. The paper identified skills cluster that should be structured as a framework in each of the skills dimension proposed. The paper concludes that the acquisition of digital skills by business education students of tertiary institutions in Nigeria is fundamental in the 21stcentury and beyond if they must be globally competitive. It was suggested, among others, that the three levels of digital skills and the skills clusters identified should be embedded in the curriculum of business education at the tertiary level. Keywords: Digital skills, tertiary institutions, business education, framework.

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